深圳市捷豹自动化设备有限公司 当前位置: 首页 >>公司动态>>业内动态
捷豹自动化邀请您参加2018年2月27-3月1日美国.圣地亚哥2018 IPC APEX EXPO

捷豹自动化邀请您参加2018年2月27-3月1日美国.圣地亚哥2018 IPC APEX EXPO! Our booth number:3848.参展产品:lead free reflow oven and lead free wave soldering.





              IPC APEX EXPO 2018 is the place to be in order to Succeed at Velocity of Technology. In the electronics industry there is a point where inspiration turns into innovation. A point where the industry turns exceptional education and technology into real-world success. -see you in San Diego for 2018!

